Friday, 11 November 2016

The noises in the attic

The Noises In The Attic
( based on a true story )

One dark gloomy night a little boy was in the attic looking for his stuffed bear but the bear looked different than usual. He slowly and tiredly creeped down the creaky stairs and went back to bed. The next day he heard noises coming from attic and went up to have a look. But that was the complete wrong decision so he raced back down to his mum’s bedroom but saw something even worse than the noises from the attic.

It was night and the boy didn’t have enough toys so he went up to the attic not remembering the noises and got another toy but it was too late and the boy was thrown against the back wall and slitt by the throat not knowing who did it and let out a great scream, the dad raced up to the attic and saw that the boy had been the mum but also saw something else and heard “look behind you”…

(Chapter 2)

A dark shadow was creeping up behind him and struck like a light. The next day the house went on sale. A man went to have a look at the house not knowing it was haunted. The man who was thinking about buying the house seemed to be a nice man but not knowing that, if he buys the house that will stop.

The next day the man said “yes I’ll take the house and so he did. As soon as possible the man raced home and told his over excited family the good news. That night the man and his family had moved into the haunted house and heard noises in the attic. The man got up out of bed and had a look upstairs, He heard the same sentence as the original owner of the house did, “look behind you”.

That morning the family started looking for the dad but could not find him and thought that he went out for a morning walk like he always does but a few hours later he didn’t Debbie back. They were wondering where he was but suddenly they heard a noise coming from the attic, a sort of scratching noise.

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